Our Services

Generalist Advice Service

We give you the knowledge and confidence you need to find your way forward – whoever you are and whatever your problem.

We offer free confidential advice online, over the phone, by email, and in person.

Citizens Advice office window

Drop in service at:

  • Oxford Westgate Library, 228 The Westgate, Queen Street, Oxford OX1 1PE on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.00am–1pm
  • Cutteslowe Community Centre, 31 Wren Road, Oxford OX2 7SX on Wednesdays, 1pm-3pm (drop in), 3pm-4pm (by appointment)
  • Bullingdon Community Centre, Peat Moors, Headington, Oxford OX3 7HU on Thursdays, 10am-12pm (drop in), 12pm-1pm (by appointment)
  • West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Rd, Oxford OX2 0BT on Tuesdays, 10am-12pm (drop in)
Citizens Advice in Library

Help to Claim

Our Help to Claim advisers are here to assist you with the early stages of your Universal Credit claim. You can reach them by phone, online chat, or in person.

They can help you:

  • Determine if you qualify for Universal Credit
  • Fill out the Universal Credit application
  • Prepare for your first Jobcentre appointment
  • Check that your first payment is correct

If you’re starting a new Universal Credit claim, visit our website or call our Help to Claim service at Freephone 0800 144 8444.

Energy Advice

We can assist with energy-related issues, including problems with your bills, meters, or if you're having trouble paying for the energy you use.

We can help you:

  • Look for a better energy deal
  • Make a complaint
  • Claim back any credit
  • Manage moving home
Two men looking at advice booklet
Citizens Advice helper

Macmillan Benefit Advice Service

Macmillan Cancer Support logo

Our Macmillan Benefits advisers offer detailed, independent, and confidential support to people with cancer, their carers, and families.

We aim to secure the best income support possible and provide advice to health and social care staff about financial help available for cancer patients. Support is available by phone and email. To get help, you can:

  • Email or leave a voicemail: Our advisers check messages several times a day, Monday to Friday.
  • Ask your nurse specialist: They can refer you to our service.

This support is available to anyone being treated for cancer at the Oxford University Hospitals Trust and living in Oxfordshire or nearby counties.

Call our Macmillan Benefits advisers on 01865 957828.

or Email: macmillan@citizensadviceoxford.org.uk

Major Trauma Service

Our adviser provides the full range of independent and impartial advice and information to patients at the Major Trauma Unit in the John Radcliffe Hospital and/or their families The advice is primarily delivered at the patient’s bedside.

John Radcliffe Hospital
Receipts and bills

Money Advice Service

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt, you’re not alone. Many people are struggling with debt these days, and the need for debt advice has been growing.

We offer various money advice services to help you get out of debt and manage your finances better.

Help with eVisa

Do you need an eVisa (electronic Visa) and are your unsure how to get one? Has your BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) or BRC (Biometric Residence Card) expired recently? The UK government has replaced physical immigration documents such as BRPs or vignettes visa stickers with eVisas. We can help you apply for an eVisa or fix problems with your eVisa if you already have one. Please contact us via email or come to one of our outreach locations for advice.

John Radcliffe Hospital

Oxfordshire Advice Partnership

A benefits and debt advice service is available to people with health or care needs and their carers. This service is provided through a multi agency collaboration which includes Citizens Advice Oxford. The service is for:

  • older people with health or care needs
  • adults with learning disabilities
  • adults with mental health problems
  • adults with physical and sensory impairments
  • adult and young carers
  • young people aged 16+ with learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities
  • care leavers
  • adults responsible for disabled children

Contact details

oxfordshireadvicenavigator.org.uk - an online tool to find support
Telephone: 01865 410660
Email: navigate@oxfordshireadvice.org.uk.

A woman giving advice

"I would like to express my gratitude again for the way you handled the call with the energy supplier and for offering to take my case further, with support from Citizens Advice to clear the existing debt."

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